Essays commissioned and edited by me for Art21
Diedrick Brackens weaves love, labor, and African American legacy into his textiles.
“I get to use [cotton] to tell stories. I get to try, in some small psychic way, to offer this up as a way to think about laboring over this material in a completely different way for a different end.”
Diedrick Brackens in conversation with Essence Harden.
The Timeless Relevance of Alfredo
Jaar’s “A Logo for America”
“A Logo for America, developed from Jaar’s realization that the name “America” was used incorrectly by people in the United States to refer to their country and not to the entire continent.”
Katerina Stathopoulou, Public Art Fund curator.
Futurized Worldview:
Art as a Form of Soft Power
“A form of thought persuasion is tested, as the power of its cultural capital—lingering experiences, visual impressions, text-based language, and media coverage—permeates society at large.”
Independent journalist, Diana McClure.